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What filibustering expedition ended in defeat at the Battle of Medina? I think

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Q: Who launched the 1st insurrection against against Spanish Authority in Texas and Mexico?
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What does ''insurrection'' mean?

An insurrection is a violent uprising against an authority or government.

How do you use the word insurrection in a sentence?

(an insurrection is an uprising against a government or other authority) The insurrection forced the prince to leave the country for his own safety. A bloody insurrection against the Russians occurred in Warsaw in 1830.

What is an insurrection?

An armed uprising, or revolt against an established civil or political authority; usually a derogatory term.

Who is the Philippine who led the insurrection against both Spanish rule and the later US occupation?

Emilio Aguinaldo

The Filipino insurrection against US rule was larger and more costly in lives than the Spanish-American War?


What happened in the Philippians after the Spanish American War?

Philippines is what you mean Philippians is a book in the Bible. The answer is an insurrection against American occupation.

What is non insurrection?

Non-insurrection refers to activities or actions that are not aimed at rebelling against a government or authority through violent uprising or rebellion. It represents peaceful and lawful means of expressing dissent or bringing about change within a society.

Why did Emilio lead an insurrection against the US?

He was not happy that the United States maintained possession of the Philippines following the Spanish-American War.

Why did Aguinaldo lead an insurrection against the US?

He was not happy that the United States maintained possession of the Philippines following the Spanish-American War.

George Dewey launched a surprise attack on the spanish in where?

During the Spanish-American War, George Dewey launched a surprise attack on the Spanish in Manila. This naval attack against the Spanish fleet occurred in 1898 at the start of the war, and the Spanish were defeated.

Is a rebellion is a synonym?

Yes, a rebellion is a synonym for uprising, revolt, or insurrection. It refers to a resistance or defiance against authority or control.

Why did Emilio Aguinaldo lead an insurrection against the US?

He was not happy that the United States maintained possession of the Philippines following the Spanish-American War.