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Ra, god of the sun and the Lord of Order

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Q: Who is the supreme god of egyptians?
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Was the water god the most important god to the ancient egyptians?

the river god or the sun god were the most important gods to the egyptians

What is an Egyptian god?

a god that was worshiped by the Egyptians.

Who was the God of the Egyptians?

the sun god was Ra which was the main god

Which god did the Egyptians believe was the first to be mummified?

The Egyptians believed that Osiris, the god of the dead, was the first to be mummified.

Did Cleopatra's country worship her after she died?

No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.No. The ancient Egyptians did not worship their dead rulers. They had their set pantheon of god that they honored.

Is King Tutankhamun the supreme god of egyptians?

Technically, Egyptian pharaohs were considered gods themselves, but I don't think he was numero-uno on the list. He was pretty high up though.

How did God succeed in defeating the Egyptians who came after Moses?

When the Egyptians followed Moses , to the Red sea and they tried to follow the people, god drowned the Egyptians in the sea.

Who was the main god of Egyptians?

The Sun God Ra

Who was the favorite god of the Egyptians?

it was the mighty god re

Who is the supreme God of Norse mythology?

There is no official "Supreme God", like Zeus is in Greek mythology. However if one were to give the title of "Supreme God" to a Norse God it would have to be Odin.

How was the will of the supreme being given to god?

If you believe people made up the concept of God, then people also made up "the will of the supreme being." If you believe that God is a real supreme being, then the will of the supreme being was not given to God, but something God possesses and man simply recognizes.