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I believe is Nelson Mandela.

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Q: Who is the most famous person in south Africa?
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Who was the most famous person to come from South Africa?

nelson --nd-la

What were famous events in South Africa?

The Apartheid is arguably the most famous event ever held in South Africa. Another famous event was the ANC and Zulu Inkatha movement.

What country is most famous for Apartheid?

The republic of South Africa.

Which is South Africa's most famous river?

The Orange River

What type of wine is made in South Africa?

Many types of wine are produced in South Africa. However, it is most famous for its Pinotage.

What is the best breakfast option at south africa?

The most famous point at south africa for breakfast for children and adults is the KFC breakfast menu

Who was the president of south Africa in 1971?

Abodiache Gunga

What is the name of the mountain range in south-eastern Africa?

There are a number of mountain ranges spanning South East Africa, the most famous is probably the Draakensberg (Dragons Mountain) is eastern South Africa

Who are some famous people from South Carolina?

Thomas Delancy is the most famous person in South Carolina

What is the most famous coutry in Africa?

South Africa comes to mind first. Closely followed by Saudi Arabia.

Whom is the most famous person to have come from Africa?

President Barack Obama ...

Which cities and towns are near the coast of south Africa?

There are hundreds of them, the most famous of which is Cape Town.