962 miles
The address of the Mccreary County Museum is: Po Box 452, Stearns, KY 42647-0452
McCreary County Museum was created in 1988.
The web address of the Mccreary County Museum is: www.mccrearymuseum.com
Ron Rader has written: 'McCreary County, Ky. cemetery records' -- subject(s): Cemeteries, Genealogy, Inscriptions, Registers of births
The phone number of the Mccreary County Public Library District is: 606-376-8738.
Ben McCreary was born on August 23, 1982, in Los Angeles County, California, USA.
The address of the Mccreary County Public Library District is: North Main Street, Whitley City, 42653 0008
where on the list is pike county ky on the biggest county east of miss
A county mayor is responsible for a great many things for the county. This county mayor makes the county's decisions.
The County Executive or County Mayor is D. Gary Davis.