Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco
The address of the Tamarac Historical Society is: 7525 Nw 88Th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321-2401
35 miles
The distance between Tamarac, Florida and Beijing, China is approximately 8,000 miles.
Air distance from Tamarac, Florida, United States of America to London, England, United Kingdom is 4,416 miles. That is 7,108 kilometers. It is 3,838 nautical miles.
Jeremy Ring is the Florida state senator for the city of Tamarac. This city in District 29 is located in Broward County.
If you measure the straight line flight distance ("as the crow flies"), the total distance from Tamarac to Russia is 6,476 miles or 10,422 kilometers.
It appears that he is living in Tamarac, Florida.
7,435 air miles.
The mayor of Florida is a donkey
The address of the Tamarac Branch is: 8701 W. Commercial Blvd., Tamarac, 33351 4310
Barbie Page was born on April 9, 1959, in Tamarac, Florida, USA.