Tammy de Weerd has been the Mayor of Meridian, Idaho, since January 2004, and started her third term in 2012.
Robert l Wilson is the mayor of stateline idaho
Meridian, Idaho
Idaho is a state. A state doesn't have a mayor. The chief executive of the State of Idaho is the Governor. The current governor of Idaho is C.L. "Butch" Otter
It is in Meridian, Idaho
No. Buffalo are a popular pet in the state of Idaho, and people from all over the world come to see the "Buffalo City" Meridian, Idaho.
Meridian Idaho
According to census.gov, the 2007 ACS population estimate of Meridian, Idaho, is 64,642.
Meridian, Idaho
they are 14grand
The address of the Meridian Historical Society Inc is: 33 E Broadway, Meridian, ID 83642
brad christopherson