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Q: Who is the famous ruler of ancient Egypt whose tomb contained a golden bed?
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Whose tomb contained a golden bed in Ancient Egypt?

Almost all Pharoas tombe probably had golden beds! The most famous that has survived until today is Tutankhamun.

What is tha notional animal of Egypt?

Egypt is a country located in North Africa whose capital is Cairo. They are famous for the pyramids left by ancient Egyptians. The national bird of Egypt is the Golden Eagle.

What is the Middle Kingdom's nickname in Ancient Egypt?

It became known as Egypt's Golden Age.

Which ancient monument is Egypt famous for?

The Pyramids

What is the modern day country for Egypt?

If you are referring to the empire of ancient Egypt, then it encompasses many different countries, however, the main body of ancient Egypt (that includes the Nile, pyramids, etc) are now contained in Egypt and Sudan.

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Did ancient Egypt have a famous fruit?

yes they did it was grapes because it was very common in Egypt.

Who is famous in Egypt?

There are so many people who are famous in Egypt. In ancient Egypt some of the popular people were Pharaoh, Cleopatra, Hannu, Paser and many more.