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the gerec e3mogrf hegvy bevyhf brvg dhd yhe ydehg hsdvg ed vghe evg ev vb hdu vhd h bhjf b kfrb dju fuhsde h skfdv k fbm bn jhdsf edv e dv djvrev f s vfds df s brehrbdbvhjre rgbe fnhr gfbdbv hbvbnb hfv hb hw he v hf hre . fvegvcrt 4ecvghrevrjev v fhv v g ed . fhydfvgwy gvehbrh.bed hrbgdxhvgbfhjvbh vfdb .frdhg fdyvesjh efgvhd bbe .v ru rjhvc fgehj vegfv aevfhs hgs.cv7 wegerhhvbhvbfjv sjhkfvq.v u7 r ei ubvwehvdffd.uivtg sdg fhv ujhrfv

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Q: Who is the emperor of Greece?
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What happen in Greece when Alexander the Great was emperor?

alexander the great was emperor of greece

What emperor named byzantium?

King Byzas of Greece

Was Alexander the great a queen?

Haha no. He was the Emperor of Greece.

Which emperor started the second Persian invasion of Greece?

Xerxes the great

Who was Caesar in ancient Greece?

As far as I know, There is no character named Caesar in ancient Greece. There were only the Caesars of Rome, which was a title like emperor

Which Roman Emperor competed in a ten horse chariot race after Rome conquered Greece?

Nero Nero

When did the ancient greece olympics end?

The Ancient Olympics in Greece were held from 776 BC to 393 AD, when they were banned by the Roman Emperor Theodosius I in an effort to suppress pagan festivals.

What did Ancient Greece have to do with mysteries?

The ancient Greek mysteries survived the introduction of Christianity and were suspended by the decree that the Roman Emperor Theodosius issued at 392 AD/ CE. The Mysteries were wiped out at 396 AD/ CE with the invasion of Alarich and the Goths in Greece. The last Emperor who tried to revive the Mysteries was Julian

How was Commodus an important figure?

Commodus was a very important figure in Greek history as his status as the 18th emperor of Greece made him important as well as the fact his father and his grandfather were also emperors of Greece,

Did emperor xerxes of Persia conquer Greece?

yes the Romans defeated the last of the major greek city-states in 146 BC.

What emperor of Greece lost the Battle of Marathon?

There was no emperor of Greece. The Greek world was comprised of hundreds of independent city-states, some of which formed defensive leagues from time to time.The battle of Marathon was lost by an expeditionary force sent out by Persia under command of a Mede named Datis.The defending force from the Greek cities of Athens and Plataia won the battle.

When did Greece stop believing in the Ancient Greek pantheon?

Greek mythology weakened quite strongly in adherence against Christianity throughout the 300s C.E., especially after Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire (of which Greece was a part).