As of January 2018, Isaac Kwame Asiamah is the Minister of Youth and Sports, and Pius Enam Hadzide is the Deputy Minister.
I want to know the ministers of Ghana current
what are de names of the current ministers in ghana
minister of trade and industry
Boateng Cornelious
Hon Woyome Gagantua Minister of Money Sharing
The regional ministers in Ghana are known as Regional Ministers. Each of the 16 regions in Ghana has a Regional Minister appointed by the President to oversee the administration and governance of the region. These ministers are responsible for coordinating the implementation of government policies and programs at the regional level, as well as representing the central government in their respective regions.
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This disadvantage of playing sports in Ghana is that it is quite a poor country and does not have very good playing fields.
foot ball and a kicking game called monveir.
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Including the Chief Minister, there are six ministers in Khyber Puktonkhowa.