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Q: Who is the current leader of Nigeria 2012?
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What do Nigeria people call there leader?

The current leader of Nigeria is President Goodluck Jonathan.

When did Nigeria's current leader come to power?

On 6 May 2010 Goodluck Jonathan was sworn in as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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Aung San Suu Kyi is not the current leader, she is under house arrest. The current leader is Bubu Baba

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Mr. Noda.

Who is the current leader of Nigeria?

The current leader of Nigeria is:His Excellency, Goodluck Ebere Jonathan. President of The Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Who is the current leader of Nigeria's House of Representatives?

As of July 2015, Yakubu Dogara is the current speaker and has been since June 9, 2015.

What year is it in Nigeria?

It is 2012 in Nigeria.

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Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa

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4th Jan, 2012...Ma Ying-jeou

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The current Parliamentary President of the African Union is B. N. Amadi of Nigeria. Amadi has held this position since 2012.

How did leader bocome tha leader of Mexico?

By the means of direct suffrage (voting elections).

Who is the current leader in dominican republic?

Danilo Medina since 20 may 2012.