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Q: Who is the annual Illinois budget presented to?
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Related questions

The annual illinois budget is presented by the?

the governor

Who is responsible for the preparation of an annual state budget?

The Office of Management and Budget of Illinois prepares the state budget. It also advises the governor on the availability of the given revenues.

Where the Union budget is always presented first in?

Union budget is always presented first in - The Loksabha

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whoes prem minister of indian has not presented the budget?

Who is the national budget is presented by the vice president secretary of state or president?

The national budget is presented by the secretary of treasury.

What is the budget of Illinois Library Association?

The budget of Illinois Library Association is 2,700,000 dollars.

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Is the national budget presented by the vice president the secretary of state or the president?

I believe that the national budget is presented by the President By:

The national budget is presented by?

the president

Is Alabama's state budget annual or biennial?

Alabama's state budget is annual, meaning it is approved for a single fiscal year at a time.

Where can one find more information about the Illinois budget?

Information on the Illinois budget can be found online on various sites. Illinois is Broke is an informative website that presents news articles about the financial situation in Illinois. One can also visit the official government website, Illinois, to find out about the Illinois budget.

Why railway budget is presented before the general budget?

it is because the majority of revenue is generated from railways and hence to make it less complicated,it is presented seperatly