The God of Life was known as Isis.
Anubis was a god of death; not life, he was the Egyptian god of mummification and of the guide and protector of the dead in the Duat (underworld).
Osiris, god of death and new life.
"Taker of life" does not relate to any Egyptian god or goddess; there was not a god or goddess of death (that is, a god or goddess solely of death itself).
That would be Akenhaton.
The Egyptian god Bes was the dwarf god.
There is no Egyptian god Zozer.
There was no Egyptian god of lice.
Ra, Anubis, and Osiris were the gods that the soul of a dead Egyptian met to go to "heaven".
There is no Egyptian god of wheat, however there is an Egyptian god of grain. The name of this god was 'Neper'. He was sometimes called 'Neper the reaper' because of his association with grain and harvesting.
Who is the leader of the Egyptian gods? First it was Ra, the sun god, then it was Osiris, god of death and new life, then it was Horus, the warrior.