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Q: Who is the Chief of General Staff of Central African Republic Armed Forces?
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What happened to the Central African Republic during World War 2?

During World War II, the Central African Republic was part of the Federation of French Equatorial Africa. The country fought with Charles de Gaulle's forces to liberate France.

When was Central African Armed Forces created?

Central African Armed Forces was created in 1960.

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How did the Central African Republic Bush War start?

The Central African Republic Bush War was a civil war in the Central African Republic between Union of Democratic Forces for Unity (UFDR) rebels and government forces. The fighting began after Francois Bozizee Yangouvonda forcefully took control of the presidency in 2003. The opposition was started by Michel Am-Nondokro Djotodia, the leader of the Muslim Seleka rebel coalition. Although an agreement, which in part included Djotodia being placed as First Deputy Prime Minister for National Defense, was reached, fighting soon resumed with accusations that Bozizee was not keeping with the terms of the peace agreement. Bozizee was eventually forced to flee the country and Djotodia named himself president. Djotodia suspended the constitution and dissolved the government, and escalating violence between Muslims and non-Muslims, combined with a lack of government stability force him into exile. After exile, he was reinstalled as leader of the Seleka.

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Republic of China Armed Forces was created in 1925.

When was Republic of China Armed Forces Museum created?

Republic of China Armed Forces Museum was created in 1961.

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Republic of Korea Armed Forces was created on 1948-08-15.

When was Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran created?

Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran was created in 1923.

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The forces of the Republic of South Vietnam.

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Sigfrido Aramis Pared Perez is the Minister of the Armed Forces for the Dominican Republic.

Leader of the british forces in Africa in 1942?

There were two leaders of British forces in Africa in 1942. For the first half of the year they were led by General Claude Auchinleck, who was then replaced by General Harold Alexander for the second half of the year and the rest of the North African campaign.

When was Central Armed Forces Museum created?

Central Armed Forces Museum was created in 1919.