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Actually, the answer is the credit card holder is responsible for the debt if single, otherwise the spouse may be responsible for a partners debts. If it was made while they were married, otherwise, the bank can't collect the debt.

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Q: Who is responsible for credit card debt after death in the state of Illinois?
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Is a wife who is not a joint account holder responsible for her husband's credit card debt in Illinois?

Illinois is not a community property state, therefore a spouse who is not a joint account holder is not responsible for the credit card debt of the other spouse.

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Illinois has the worst credit rating in the Uninted State of America!

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The estate of the deceased is responsible in Washington. The executor is responsible for listing all assets and debts. The debts are paid and anything left is distributed.

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The citizens and the Executive branch of the Illinois government.

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The actual account holder is the person who is responsible for the debt. If a married couple reside in a community property state, they are usually equally responsible for debts, including credit card accounts.

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The estate has primary responsibility. But the debts of a spouse are a benefit to both of them, so both have the responsibility.

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In NY state are you responsible for credit debt when your father or mother pass away even if you are an authorized user?

No. Authorized users are NOT responsible for credit card debt, regardless of the state of residency.

How do I post notice in Illinois of not being responsible for future debts incurred by spouse?

Put a "fraud Alert" on all three of your credit bureaus including Chex Systems and Specifically state that you need to be on the phone to verify ID or physically present when applying/extending credit.

In the state of Illinois who signs a bill into a law?

The Governor of the State of Illinois signs bills that the Illinois State Legislature passes into law.

What is statute of limitations for collecting on a unsecured credit card in Illinois?

You'd have to check your state laws.

My husband passed away and had a credit card in his name only. Is the surviiving spouse responsible for paying off the balance?

Only if the couple resided in a community property state at the time of death.