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Hugo Chavez

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Q: Who is in charge of Venezuela?
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What is the website Cadivi all about?

The website Cadivi is a government body from Venezuela which is in charge of currency in the country. On this site one can find more information on the country of Venezuela and the economy of the country.

What is the capital of Venezuela?

Caracas is the capital of Venezuela.

Where is coro located in Venezuela?

Coro is in Venezuela. It is in the Falcon, Venezuela.

What is the Spanish word for Venezuela?

Venezuela is the Spanish word for Venezuela.

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Is it farther to go from Venezuela to Bolivia or from Venezuela to cuba?

Doin DG 20? ;) Venezuela to Cuba because you have to go through Brazil for Venezuela to Bolivia

What is the full name of Venezuela?

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Is Iran or Venezuela closer the the equator?

Venezuela is much closer.

What country is Lake Maracaibo located in?

It is in Venezuela.

In venezuela who is the head of government?

The president of Venezuela is the head of government in Venezuela as well as the head of state.

How is the Amazon important to Venezuela?

It is important to Venezuela to get more tourists for Venezuela and The Amazon

What starts with the letter N in Venezuela?

The National Pantheon of Venezuela in Caracas, Venezuela