Andy Veliz is the most famous singer from Weslaco, Texas
there are -10 animal shelters in weslaco Texas.
Weslaco, Texas 901 N Airport Drive
The web address of the Weslaco Bicultural Museum is:
The phone number of the Weslaco Bicultural Museum is: 956-968-9142.
The address of the Weslaco Bicultural Museum is: 515 S Kansas Ave, Weslaco, TX 78596
Yes. Andy Veliz is from Weslaco, Texas and he wrote and recorded his hit song in 1980. His song "Lonely Nights Without You" became a hit when Veliz went on tour to promote his record. Veliz was a school principal at Weslaco school district as the time. He has degrees from Texas A&M Kingsville and a master's degree from The University of Texas at Austin Veliz served as a professor at University of Texas-Pan American for 13 years before he retired from his college professorship.
1204 miles
The address of the Frontera Audubon Society is: Po Box 8124, Weslaco, TX 78599-8124
I have a friend in Weslaco, Texas and he said he bought a CD by Texas singer Andy Veliz in a western clothing store in Weslaco. He also said the CD includes Veliz's 1980 hit song of "Lonely Nights Without You". He told me that Veliz still lives in Weslaco. I believe the store's name is Boots and Jeans.
This can easily be determined from a number of Map websites. Begin your Quest now! :)
Based on population and according to the 2010 US census, Weslaco (35,670 residents) is bigger than Mercedes (15,570 residents). Based on land area, Weslaco (12.8 sq. mi or 33 sq. km) is also bigger than Mercedes (8.6 sq. mi or 22.4 sq. km).