

Best Answer

Israel has basically held her own against the various massed military forces that

have invaded in 1948, 1967, and 1973.

The conflict that involves infiltration across its borders, suicide bombing, rocketing

of civilian population centers from outside the country, and villifying, demonizing,

and falsifying the country, its citizens, and its history still continues, however.

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Q: Who has Israel defeated since 1948?
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Does Israel have a president?

Yes, Israel has had a president since its independence in 1948.

How long as the parliamentary democracy existed in israel?

Since the modern State of Israel was founded in May, 1948 .

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Israel has competed in the Olympics ever since its modern state was created in 1948.

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Since Israel became a country in 1948 it has never occupied Cairo, Egypt.

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Israel controlled the city of Jerusalem since there Independence in 1948. Jerusalem is Israel Capitol to

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Since she was founded in 1948. She was always democratic.

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No. It was established in 1948 and there are countries that have been established since then.

When did Israel become a counry?

The State of Israel was declared in 1948, although the country had been held as a British mandate since 1918. The borders have shifted regularly since.

What country was defeated by Iraq Palestine and Transjordan?

No country was defeated by an alliance of these three countries. Conversely, Israel defeated Palestinian militias, the Jordanian Army, and the Iraqi Army among other armed forces in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9.

Have the axis powers fought against the state of Israel?

The term "Axis Powers" was introduced during WW II and refered to Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Fascist Italy (also known as the Berlin-Tokyo-Rome Axis); since the state of Israel was founded in 1948, three years after the end of WW II, the Axis Powers no longer existed at that time, and so they couldn't have fought against Israel. The Axis powers wer defeated and eliminated in 1945, the modern state of Israel did not exist until 1948.

What country has been at war with Israel since 1948?

Answer 1No country has had a continuous war with Israel since 1948, but Most of the countries surrounding Israel do not recognize its existence and support its destruction.Answer 2While no country has been consistently at war with Israel since 1948 in the common understanding of the term (i.e. constantly exchanging fire and moving soldiers within an opponent's borders), there are several states that remain in de jure war with the State of Israel (i.e. they declared war on Israel and have not made a peace treaty with that country, only an armistice). Such nations include Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq.This problem is not unique to the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Both of the Koreas remain in a de jure state of war since 1948, although no major battle has occurred since the armistice in 1953.

When was Israel originally formed?

Israel has been around since biblical times, but they didnt become an independent entity until May 14, 1948.