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Q: Who gave France land claims in America?
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What was a result of the Treaty of Paris?

France gave its land east of the Mississippi to England. The French relinquished this land to England. France gave its land east of the Mississippi to England.

How did France profit from it's new world claims?

Jacques Cartier discovered the St. Lawrence River which gave France a large claim in northern North America and Canada. Robert de La Salle discovered the Mississippi River and the land that it drained. It made waterway "roads" to other areas making it easier to trade.

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What 3 terms of the Treaty of Paris do after the war ended?

In the Treaty of Paris in 1763, Britain demanded that Spain and Portugal give up great portions of their land claims in North America. France was to give up its claims to Canada and all territory east of the Mississippi River except New Orleans. Spain was to give up Florida. Britain also gave up all its claims west of the Mississippi River.

What king or leader gave land in America to Lord Baltimore?

King James gave him the land he had requested.... :)

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It was an agreement to give up all claims to the land that France settled.

How many continents is France on?

France is in Europe but have land claims in the North American, South American, African, and Oceania continents.

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What did westward expansions do to France?

It reduced its territorial claims in North America while at the same time aiding France in financing its Napoleonic wars when it sold $3million dollars worth of land to the British break away nation called the U.S.of A.

In what peace treaty did France lose all its land in North America?

The French and Indian War was the peace treaty where France lost all its land in North America.

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France had to give up their land in the America

That Samuel de Champlain's voyages to Canada gave France the right to claim the land as its posession?

Samuel de Champlain's voyages to Canada did contribute to French claims in the region, as he established the first permanent French colony in North America (Quebec City) in 1608. This laid the foundation for French control and influence in Canada.