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Hudson Taylor

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Q: Who founded the china inland mission?
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Related questions

What has the author Marshall Broomhall written?

Marshall Broomhall has written: 'The jubilee story of the China Inland Mission' -- subject(s): China Inland Mission, Missions

What has the author Hudson Taylor written?

Hudson Taylor has written: 'The story of the China Inland Mission' -- subject(s): China Inland Mission, History, Missions

Where was Hudson Taylor during the boxer rebellion?

Serving the people of China spiritually, within the China Inland Mission.

When was Presbyterian Inland Mission created?

Presbyterian Inland Mission was created in 1912.

When was Livingstone Inland Mission created?

Livingstone Inland Mission was created in 1878.

When was Australian Inland Mission created?

Australian Inland Mission was created in 1912.

When was Africa Inland Mission created?

Africa Inland Mission was created in 1895.

When did Livingstone Inland Mission end?

Livingstone Inland Mission ended in 1884.

Where is Inland China?

It is somewere in China.

Does the China Inland Mission still exist?

Yes it does. It was founded in 1865 by Hudson Taylor. However, later on it changed its name to "Overseas Missionary Fellowship". More recently it changed its name to "OMF International".It ministers in 12 countries, presently, in East Asia. More information can be found at

Mission San Jose is founded in what year?

The mission San Jose was founded in 1719.

What was the mission was first founded by FrLasuen?

no the first mission of California was founded by,juniperro serra