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Q: Who explored north America for both dutch and English?
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What were the English and the Dutch originally looking for when they explored the coast of North America?

A western route to India.

What areas did the French British and Dutch explore?

The French explored North America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Southeast Asia. The British explored North America, India, Australia, and Africa. The Dutch explored Indonesia, South Africa, and parts of South America.

How did Dutch get to North America?

Same method the English did by ship.

Who was the English sailor hired by dutch merchants to explore North America?

Henry Hudson

Which continents were explored by which countries?

Europe explored Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Oceania. Spain and Portugal were the first to explore the Americas, while France and England explored North America. The Dutch were known for exploring Asia, and Britain explored Australia and New Zealand.

What explorer explored North America?

Spain, France, England, the Netherlands, and even Sweden explored parts of North America.

Where did the Dutch explore?

The Dutch explored various regions around the world, including the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Some notable Dutch explorers include Willem Janszoon who explored parts of Australia, Abel Tasman who discovered Tasmania and New Zealand, and Henry Hudson who explored North America. The Dutch East India Company also established trade routes and colonies in regions such as the East Indies (Indonesia) and South Africa.

What European nations attempted to colonize North America?

British/English, French, Spanish, Dutch.

What rival countries explored North America?

Spain, France, England, the Netherlands, and even Sweden explored parts of North America.

Where in north America did Eric the red explore?

He never explored in North America, his son Leif Ericson did. Erik the Red explored Greenland.

Who did Henry Hudson claim America for?

He explored for the Dutch as well as the English. While he claimed no lands himself, his exploration of southern Canada allowed the Hudson Bay Company to exploit a royal charter for fur trading in central Canada.

Other than the Spanish which European powers explored North America?

The french and english! :d