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Q: Who encouraged trade between China and Europe?
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The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean.

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The Chinese emperor Ended Trade with Europe and China

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Expansion of Trade between china and Europe

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It allowed trade between Europe and Asia.

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There is two trade in Lisbon Portugal's capital. The Europe's center triangular trade between China and Japan which made it an important center.

How was the trade between America and Europe?

Silk, tea, china, and more goods

What finally forced China to trade with Europe?

The military power from United Kingdom and other countries finally forced China to trade with Europe. China has resisted trade with Europe all along.

What areas of china were encouraged to trade as a result of the Grand Canal?

Northern and Southern China

During the Han dynasty?

trade and travel between China and Europe expanded rapidly

What do Europe trade?

Europe trades with many foreign countries bout does not mean that they will trade with anyone. Europe's main consumer is china. What china and Europe trade is clothing, electronics, toys, furniture, ect.

How is trade with in Europe and Europe and the rest union?

Europe trades with many foreign countries bout does not mean that they will trade with anyone. Europe's main consumer is china. What china and Europe trade is clothing, electronics, toys, furniture,...