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The people. They have the democratic right to vote at 18 years of age.

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Q: Who elects Parliament in the United Kingdom?
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Does Scotland have a Parliamentary democracy?

Yes. Scotland elects MPs to the Westminster Parliament, which serves the whole of the United Kingdom, and MSPs to the Holyrood Parliament, which legislates for devolved issues.

Who elects United Kingdom judges?

The General Assembly

Name the United Kingdom's legislature?

The Parliament of the United Kingdom. Commonly called the Houses of Parliament in the UK.

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Who creates the laws in Scotland?

The European Parliament, the United Kingdom Parliament and the Scottish Parliament

What countries parliament has two houses?

Parliament of the United Kingdom is a bicameral government, two government houses, House of Lords, and the House of Common, British Parliament is supremacy in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

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The Parliament of the United Kingdom.

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What is the upper house of Parliament called in united kingdom?

The House of Lords

What are the names of the United Kingdom's parliament?

The House of Commons and the House of Lords

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Which country of the United Kingdom has its own parliament?

All 4 countries do.