The address of the Bethlehem Area Public Library - Bookmobile - is: 11 W Church St, Bethlehem, 18018 5804
The phone number of the Bethlehem Area Public Library is: 610-867-3761.
The address of the Bethlehem Public Library is: 32 Main St. South, Bethlehem, 06751 0099
The phone number of the Bethlehem Area Public Library - Bookmobile - is: 610-867-3761.
The address of the New Bethlehem Area Fr Pub Lib is: 720 Broad St, New Bethlehem, 16242 1107
The area of Roman Catholic Diocese of Bethlehem is 34,965 square kilometers.
Bethlehem is best known as the area where Jesus Christ was born.
The phone number of the New Bethlehem Area Fr Pub Lib is: 814-275-2870.
The country code and area code of Bethlehem, South Africa is 27, (0)58.
The average cost for refinishing a bath tub in the Philly, PA area is about $800. It is a lot cheaper to do it yourself.
Yes, there are dentists in the Philly area that do snap in teeth as a temporary solution to bridgework, Dr. Jeffrey Glen DDS is one of those dentists.
Bethlehem is not a town in Jerusalem, as it is located a few miles south of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is in the nation of Israel and Bethlehem is in the area known as the West Bank - they are a short drive apart and separated by a security zone.