

Best Answer
Tea was first discovered by the Chinese inventor Shennong in 2737 BC.

tea was discovered by te Chinese ...when some tea leaves accidentally fell on some boiling water.....

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Who first discovered tea?

Who cares i dont even like tea

Was tea supposed to be used for drinking or did tea have a special purpose?

Tea was discovered so long ago that there are only legends. One says that tea was discovered by accident when a tea leaf fell into Shen Nung's boiled water, so in that case, yes, it was always used for drinking. The second legend says that the leaves were used as a healing remedy but it was still used for drinking in that case.

Which leaf used for making a popular beverage was first discovered by the Chinese?


Who invented Chinese Tea?

It's believed that Shen Nung discovered it in 2737 BC.

Something interesting about china?

According to popular legend, tea was discovered by the Chinese emperor Shennong in 2737 B.C. when a tea leaf fell into his boiling water. The Chinese consider tea to be a necessity of life.i

Who discovered C2 green tea?

C2 Green Tea is not considered a discovery. It is a beverage that is produced by Universal Robina in the Philippines. C2 is an abbreviation for 'Cool and Clean.'

When was the first book about tea ever written?

As far as we know, the oldest book about tea was written in China around 800AD. It is called 茶經 (The Classics of Tea) and was written by Lu Yu.It is possible that books on tea existed earlier, but that is the oldest that we have currently discovered.

Where do tea come from?

Tea is thought to have first been discovered in China around 5 thousand years ago. It was ingested as a medicine, to help relax, and as a way to stay caffeinated.

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Penicillin was discovered and the Tea Pot Dome Scandal

Who is the founder of tea?

The Chinese first discovered tea. Actually it was a Chinese Emperor who first tasted the brew in 2737 B.C. when some tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water!

What Tea is used in the hope of curing cancer?

Essiac tea is used in the hopes of curing cancer. It was discovered by the Ojibwa Canadian natives. Your should consult your physician before taking any home remedies.

Why did the ancient Chinese use silk?

I believe the story is that the emperess of china was sitting under a tree drinking tea and a silkworm fell into her tea and it's body melting created silk and that is how silk was discovered and the Chinese discovered it