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They blamed almost anyone who was different in any way. They blamed the Jews, they blamed foreign traders, they even blamed foul smelling AIR for the disease! Many laid the blame on the sins of the people, believing that the plague was a punishment sent by God for their sins.

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Q: Who did people blame during the plague?
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Who did people blame for the bubonic plague?

The Jews

What sin did people blame the plague on?

people blamed Black Death. On the church and kings.

How did the fleas die during the black plague?

During Plague fleas were among the main factors to spread it. People with Plague had bloody vomit fever and tumors.

Why were Jews persecuted for the black plague?

People had many different ideas as to what caused the Black Death e.g bad smells, people's sins e.t.c Sadly, the Jews were also believed to be the cause in some parts of Europe. And so the plague awakened an old antisemitic prejudice in people looking for a scapegoat to blame the plague on (the Jews).

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people thought it was a place for the plague to spread because it was a social place

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What did people do to figure out the cause of the black plague?

The people during the 1300's were freighted of the plague because it was killing people extremely quickly and they couldn't find a cure for it.

What is the most disgusting thing that people might have drunk to get rid of the plague?

In the 14th century (during the bubonic plague) people drunk their own urine twice a day

What happened to people when they died during the plague of 1665?

They were burned shortly after there death.