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Saudi Arabia was created by king Abdulaziz out of nothing, he united the tribes and areas under his rule. some parts were under control of the Turkish Othmans west, and some were English colony east but there was no Saudi Arabia as it is today.

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Q: Who did Saudi Arabia get its independence from?
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What year did Saudi Arabia get independence?


What country controlled Saudi Arabia before independence?

No country have controlled Saudi Arabia, it is one of the few countries in the world that have not been ruled by another country, thus there was no independence.

When did saudia Arabia gain independence?

Modern Saudi Arabia became independent in 1902 by King Abdul Aziz

What is Saudi Arabia's nationality?

A national of Saudi Arabia is a Saudi.

Is Saudi Arabia in Saudi Arabia?

What do you mean by in? I think he/she thinks which contents is it in. It is in the middle east.

Why is Saudi Arabia's nickname called KSA?

Some call Saudi Arabia the KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) for short.

What year did Saudi Arabia gain its independence?

It isn't independent it is a monarchy . It is ruled with an iron fist.

What country is Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is its own country.

Is Saudi Arabia in the Bible?

Yes, not by Saudi Arabia but just Arabia then.

Where is the capital of Saudi arbia?

Riyadh is the capital and most populous city of Saudi Arabia.

How did Saudi Arabia gain it independence?

Saudi Arabia has never been "occupied" or "dependent", so the question is inapt. Saudi Arabia was created as a result of the Nejd-Hejaz War in 1924-1925 that resulted in the conquest of Hejaz by Nejd. The Nejdi leaders, the Saud family, declared the united polity to be the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Is Saudi Arabia in Kuwait?

No, Saudi Arabia is different country from Kuwait.