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The free market. On very few instances, such as gasoline, the government decrees an established price.

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Q: Who determines prices on products in Mexico?
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What caused many Mexicans to migrate to Mexico City?

Rapid industrialization coupled with lower prices for agricultural products.

Who determines prices?

supply and demand

Why price of products are not displayed on official websites of these products?

Prices are not set by manufacturers, but by retailers. The original manufacturers usually suggest a retail price but the market determines the final price a seller is willing to accept.

What determines the prices of goods and services in the product market?

Supply and demand. Supply and demand determines the prices of goods and services in the market.

Do American made products sell for less in Mexico?

No. American products made in the US and sold in Mexico have almost the same prices found in local stores. Some however, have different specifications due to labor or environmental laws, and are sold at cheaper prices; one instance is motor vehicles, which don't share the same EPA standards.

Disadvantages of price mechanism?

Price mechanism is the system where supply and demand are what determines prices of products or services. Unemployment, inflation, and uneven distribution of resources are disadvantages of price mechanism.

Who determines prices in a market economy?

in a market economy.. the prices are decided by demand and supply....or compention

What determines what food products will be processed and marketed?

Economics determines what food products will be processed and marketed. If there is a demand for a food, then food companies will produce it.

Which group of people ultimately determines the products that a free enterprise economy produces?

Which group of people untimately determines the products that a free enterprise economy produce

What determines the 3 climatic regions of Mexico?

Height and latitude

What determines how a change in prices will affect total revenue for a company?

values of elasticity

What are four things that are vital to the economy in southern Mexico?

Tourism, which provides between 11 and 16% of the region's income.Commodity prices, as southern Mexico has a high dependence on agricultural products and cash crops as sources of income, between 15 and 20% of the region's income.