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The Allied armies under the joint command of Prince Blucher of Prussia, and Lord Wellington defeated the French army of Napoleon at Waterloo.

Wellington had the most influence at the end of the battle, it was him and Lord Liverpool that sealed and decided Napoleon Bonapartes fate.

Also Wellington and British troops defended an historical French bridge leading into Paris that the Prussians wanted to destroy, also stopped a charter from the prussians to divy up France and take a share of it for themselves, and in thanks for preventing all this, as well as large fines for Britain till 1820, France presented Wellington and Liverpool with works of arts and other rewards for helping France the way they did.
The British forces won the Battle of Waterloo fought on the 18th of June 1815 with the able assistance of the Seventh Coalition.

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7y ago

No army defeated Alexander the great at Waterloo. He was a "No-Show" at that particular fracas and sent in the Grande Armie of France as a stand-in or substitute under the fabled Military Quarterback Napoleon Bonaparte who lost it in the fourth quarter after a smashing first half against the Duke of Wellington. The "End Around" by von Blucher in the final minutes of the fourth Quarter sealed the European Championships.

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7y ago

Alexander the Great was a great general in the third century BC. The Battle of Waterloo occurred early in the 19th century. There perhaps the greatest general of all time, Napoleon lost to the British.

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Napoleon Bonaparte.

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The Seventh Coalition and France.

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Q: Who defeated Alexander the Great in the Battle of Waterloo?
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he was great cuz of all of his accomplishments through life and how he almost conquered all of the world and how he defeated darius in the battle

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he was great cuz of all of his accomplishments through life and how he almost conquered all of the world and how he defeated darius in the battle

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