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Different regions have their own Returning Officers. They and their staff are responsible for the running of election counts. The returning officers are Circuit Court Registrars or City Sheriffs.

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Related questions

How does your vote influence the electoral vote of your state?

Every vote counts equally. The popular vote determines which slate of electors will be allowed to cast the electoral votes for that state.

Is your vote for president and vice president meaningful in the electoral college system?

Yes it is, as long as you have the right age to vote your vote counts in the Electoral College System by one simple vote there can be many outcomes.

How does the electoral process work?

The electors from each state meet in their respective state capitals, vote and send their ballots to the president of the Senate who is the presence of both houses of Congress counts them and announces the count.

What is the difference between popular vote for a senator and electoral vote vote for president?

the popular vote is by everybody. the electoral vote is by electoral colleges, which not everyone is in

Is it true that only 3 presidents have been elected with the electoral vote?

No, just the opposite is true. Of the 57 elections including 2012, in all but two (maybe three, depending on how you interpret 1876), the winner was determined by the electoral vote. Regarding the two cases in which the House of Representatives elected the president, the electoral vote counts determined from between/among whom they voted.

What was the total electoral vote count for each men?

Not sure what you want to know. Each electoral votes counts the same and 270 votes or more votes wins the election.

What is Alternative Vote electoral system.?

Alternative Vote electoral system

Who certifies the US presidential election results?

The electoral collage counts every vote and then gives it to the national voting counters to Make shure they counted right

Can citizens be a part of the electoral college?

An American citizen plays a HUGE role in electing the president when they go to vote. "Every vote counts."the people also had the right to change everything just like obama. see yah.

Why vote when the electoral college deterimes the outcome?

The popular vote in each state selects the electors who will vote in the Electoral College. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for.

What good is a vote of the people when the electoral college votes who they want in the white house despite what the popular vote is?

The winner of the electoral votes for any given state, is the candidate who wins the popluar vote for that state. For example, in the 2000 election, Al Gore beat George Bush by 500,000+ popular votes but Bush won the bigger states that have more electoral votes and took the presidency. The popular vote counts big time. Don't let anyone tell you different!

What year was the Electoral College defect of popular vote versus electoral vote illustrated?