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You need to tells us the "golden age" of which country.

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Q: Who could take part in government during golden age?
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Who could take part in government during the Golden Age?

In the Golden Age of Athens, government was exercised by the citizens (adult males) in fortnightly assembly. The Council implemented the decisions of the Assembly between meetings.

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totally gurrl

What part did religion playing Athenian achievements during the Golden age?

what part did religion play in Athenian achievements during the golden age what part did religion play in Athenian achievements during the golden age I think the person who wrote the above has some mistakes. You just rewrote the questions.

Who was part of the government during the 1970's?

tony blare

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There is no record of the government losing money during the fall of the western part of the Roman empire (the eastern part of this empire continued to exist for 1,000 years).

What country celebrates Children's day as a part of Golden Week?

Japan celebrates children day as one of their holidays during the golden week supposed to have all the national holidays

Who could be part of the government of ancient rome?

Only male citizens

What was the form of government in Athens during the golden age under Pericles?

Radical Democracy, The Golden Age was funded by the funds levied from the 180 city-states which were part of Athens' empire.

What members of the Athenian society could not be part of the government?

The Farmers that owned property

What' members of Athenian society could not be part of the government?

The Farmers that owned property

Which episode of shugo chara features'the golden prince'?

Episodes # 36 & 37 : "Golden Prince! *Part I*" and "Golden Prince! *Part II*" .

How were equity and fairness part of structure of the government and society of Ancient Athens?

They had a democracy so they could choose their government.