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Shah Ismail

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Q: Who conquered Persia in the early sixteenth century became shah and established the Safavid Empire?
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Who conquered Persia in the early sixteenth century?

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Yes.It was established during the early sixteenth century.

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The original Mercer company was established in the City of London. In the sixteenth century a lot of guilds were established there as it was a big center of commerce.

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Spain established colonies for wealth and to convert people to christanity.

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Hern‡n CortŽs conquered the Aztec empire in Mexico, and Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca empire in Perœ. Both completed their conquests in the sixteenth century.

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There were Sufis in the Safavid Empire, but they were often persecuted and marginalized.

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a thirst for battle and riches as well as land in the conquered territory and titles of nobility

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Roman Catholic AnswerIn the sixteenth century, Spain sent missionaries into the Southeast United States, mostly friars.

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The sixteenth century.