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Whomever is appointed by the probate court. They may be named in the will or it could be an attorney or a bank.

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Q: Who can be executor of will in Ohio?
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Can a Michigan resident be executor of an Ohio will?

Yes, a Michigan resident can be named as the executor of an Ohio will. However, the executor may need to fulfill certain legal requirements or seek legal counsel to ensure compliance with Ohio laws regarding probate and estate administration.

In Ohio who is responsible for a dead spouses medical bills?

In most countries (I expect the state of Ohio would be the same) the debts of a deceased person are normally payed from that person's estate and would be settled by the executor of the estate as part of obtaining probate for the estate. If you are worried (and the estate has an executor) speak to the executor, otherwise seek advice from an attorney if the hospital is coming after you for the money.

How long after a death does the executor have to settle the estate in Ohio?

Ohio has no set time frame. Complex estates can take many years to sort out and close.

Is it possible to withdraw from being executor of an estate in Ohio?

It is certainly possible to withdraw from the duties. The court will appoint someone else to serve.

In Ohio does a personal representative named in the Will have any powers if the estate was relieved of administration no one was named executor and the case was closed?

No. In order to have any authority an executor or personal representative must be appointed by a court.No. In order to have any authority an executor or personal representative must be appointed by a court.No. In order to have any authority an executor or personal representative must be appointed by a court.No. In order to have any authority an executor or personal representative must be appointed by a court.

Can an executor of a will be pro se?

Yes. I was the Executor of the estate of my life partner of 29 years and functioned Pro Se. Did all accounting, prepared and filed all required Probate forms without an accountant or lawyer. In the State of Ohio, the Probate Court is restricted from providing legal advice to the Executor and will suggest you consult an attorney for any advice. BWH in Dayton, OH

Will named you as executor but living trust for the house has no executor named Am I still the executor?

The living trust has a trustee, not an executor. The will is a separate process and you would be the executor.

What is the difference between co-executor and independent co executor?

What is the difference between an independent co-executor and a co-executor

Can an executor be beneficiary of a will in CT How can an executor be removed by an heir?

Yes, the executor can be a beneficiary. The court may remove an executor at the request of the beneficiaries.

Can wife be executor of will?

Yes. A spouse can be named as executor of a will. A spouse can be appointed by the court if there is no named executor or the named executor cannot serve.

When a will is set up or changed does the executor have to sign the will?

The executor does not have to sign the will. They don't even have to know there is one or that they are the executor.