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Q: Who began cites in Massachusetts?
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What the name of the war that started in Massachusetts?

The American Revolution began in Massachusetts.

Who began cities in Massachusetts's?


The Revolutionary War began in what state?


Began building towns in Massachusetts in 1630?

The Puritans began building towns in Massachusetts in 1630. The Puritans were part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. One group came in 1629 and another group came a year later.

Did the Revolutionary War begin in Massachusetts or Lexington?

The American Revolution began in Lexington and Concord (both in Massachusetts).

What war began in Lexington Massachusetts in 1755?

The battle of Lexington

When did the puritans come to massachusetts?

They landed and began Plymouth in 1620.

Who began the Massachusetts colony?

The Puritans founded the Massachusetts colony. They came to America for religious freedom, but they persecuted people as well.

What battles in Massachusetts began the Revolutionary War?

The battles of Lexington and Concord

Which state began as a port where ocean going ships docked?

it is massachusetts

What was the state that had Maine?

It was Massachusetts

What city did basketball begin?

the sport basketball began in Springfield, Massachusetts. in 1891.