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Q: Who arrived from England Ireland and Germany to find work?
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For what reason did England suppress Ireland for over 800 years?

England did not suppress Ireland for 800 years. This is a massaging of the historical truths for political ends. Ok then, why did England suppress Ireland for so long?I didn't find anything that would be an answer...I just want to know WHY!!?

Where can you find a map of 17th century shipping routes between England and Ireland?

When did Christopher Columbus find the UK?

There was no UK when Columbus lived. There were the independent kingdoms of England and Scotland, with Wales by then subject to England and Ireland in the process of subjugation. The Columbus and the rest of Europe already knew that England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales existed so neither he nor anyone else needed to find them.

How do you find on what ship your great grandfather arrived from Ireland?

If your great grandfather arrived in the United Statesfrom Ireland, and did so before the 1950s, you may be able to find him in the indexes of passenger lists. These will tell you what ship he was on and when it arrived, if you can find his entry.The lists are organized by Port of Entry and some ports are not indexed, or not completely indexed. The lists are in the US National Archives and the indexes are on microfilm. They can also be accessed at the many Family History Centers operated by the Mormons, and on-line through various commercial services.If your great grandfather arrived in a country other than the US, the available records and how to access them will be very different.

What was the main reason why the Irish people came to England?

Ireland - Jobs. Ireland had barely any jobs, and so many people moved to England to find work. Northern Ireland - Jobs and Terrorism. Again, hardly any jobs, but Northern Ireland has also been a warzone for many years and so many peoplefled for their lives.

When will clone wars Shaak Ti figure come out in England?

the shaak ti clone wars figure is already out in england and ireland but it is incrediably rare to find one i found one and i was lucky but u can find them

Where could you find a caterpillar?

You can find them mostly on trees if your in Ireland or England look on nettles wear gloves so the nettles don't sting you! hope i helped!

Where is Westin dublin located on the map?

"Westin, Dublin is located in Ireland. To find it on the map you can use the coordinates 53� 19' 59"" N / 6� 14' 56"" W. Otherwise you can find Ireland located just west of England."

Which country includes England Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland more often called the United Kingdom (UK).The political structure of The British Isles has changed several times through history and many people find this confusing - even some British people. There were originally four separate countries - England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.In 1171 the King of England also became the King of Ireland - there were still four separate countries but the English King was king of two of them.In 1282 the King of England brought Wales under English rule.In 1603 King James VI of Scotland also became King of England, as James I. There were now three separate countries - England, which from the monarchy point of view included the Principality of Wales, Scotland and Ireland and James was separately King of each of them.In 1701 the crowns of England and Scotland were united as "Great Britain" and the Kingdom of Ireland remained separate.In 1801 the crown of Ireland was united and the country became "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland."In 1922, the southern part of Ireland became independent and is now The Republic of Ireland, the six countries of Northern Ireland remained a part of The United Kingdom giving the country its present title "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."Other terms which may add confusion to the situation include:"Ulster," which is sometimes used synonymously with "Northern Ireland," though only six of the region's nine counties are part of the UK.The "British Isles," which refers to the the entirety of both islands that Ireland as well as the UK occupy, and is thus considered politically incorrect in every sense of the term.The "Emerald Isle," which is a rather poetic term for the island on which both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland stand.Although Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man have their own parliamentary assemblies, they do not have total autonomy; they are responsible to the parliament of Westminster.

Where in britain would you find giants causeway?

You would not find the Giant's Causeway anywhere in Great Britain.It is located in Northern Ireland in County Antrim. Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom (UK) but it is not part of Great Britain (which is England, Wales & Scotland only).

Is Britain in England?

No, England is one of the three countries that make up Great Britain, the other two are Scotland and Wales.Britain is England, Scotland and Wales.Wrong way round. England is part of Britain. The full name of the country, as approved by the United Nations, is 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland' which is comprised of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Where can one find cabins for rent in the UK?

One can find cabins for rent in the UK in any tourist establishment. There are many cabins for rent in England, France, Scotland, Ireland, and Italy.