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The richest of in Eritrea issas afewerki which means the goverment of eritrea.he has around 488millons USA DOLLAR so no any one better than him in eritrea

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12y ago
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Abel Tesfay

Lvl 1
1y ago
he could have but none sense
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8y ago
  1. 1.henok getachew arbaminch universityMohammed Al Amoudi, owner of Midroc Corporation, estimated net worth: $10 billion
  2. Meles Zenawi, self-declared prime minister of Ethiopia, head of the terrorist group Tigrean People Liberation Front (TPLF), estimated net worth: $3 billion
  3. Azeb Mesfin, wife of Meles Zenawi, member of the TPLF politburo, head of the $40-billion Endowment Fund for the Relief of Tigray (EFFORT), partner in several large businesses in Ethiopia, widely known as "the Mother of Corruption," estimated net worth: $3 billion
  4. Sebhat Nega, former chairman of TPLF, ex-TPLF politburo member, former head of EFFORT, current chairman of Wugagan Bank, owns several buildings and luxury villas in Ethiopia and the U.S., net worth: $2.5 billion
  5. Berhane Gebrekristos, TPLF central committee members, personal investor for Meles Zenawi, paid his wife $4 million in divorce settlement and hush-up money in Washington DC when he was an ambassador, currently deputy foreign minister, uses his diplomatic immunity to smuggle gold and precious stones for Meles, Azeb and himself, estimated net worth: $2 billion.
  6. Samuel Tafesse, owner of Sunshine Construction, partner with Azeb Mesfin, estimated networth: $1.5 billion
  7. Sioum Mesfin, former TPLF regime foreign affairs minister, currently ambassador to China, smuggles marijuana and other types of illicit drugs to Thailand, China and other Asian countries using his diplomatic immunity, estimated net worth: $1 billion.
  8. Omer Ali Shifaw, Owner of Nejat International, until TPLF's Guna Corporation took over, the largest coffee exporting company in Ethiopia, currently threatened by TPLF's Guna Corporation, estimated net worth: $800 million
  9. Aba Gebremedhin (formerly Aba Paulos), self-installed patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, part-time priest, full time businessman and gun-totting TPLF cadre, the only "religious" leader in Ethiopia who built a statue for himself, owns shares in several companies, estimated net worth: $600 million
  10. Abadi Zemo, TPLF politburo member, former head of EFFORT, currenly ambassador
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3y ago


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Irma Kerluke

Lvl 1
3y ago
Thanks for the answer!
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Emiliano Torp

Lvl 1
3y ago
I agree with this answer

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Lvl 1
4y ago

we don't really have a top ten we accually have a lot of people who are rich there so yh

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4y ago


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