Actually, there are hundreds of names that mankind has given to these supernatural beings. Some cults or religions claim 72, others claim hundreds, while most canonical sources say three "Proper Names": "Michael, Gabriel and Raphael". (Other non-canonical names are: Uriel, Salathiel, Raguel, Sariel, Jeremiel.) Notice that "Biblical" names of angels all end in "EL"... that is because man's name for GOD is "EL" and their names reflect that. ie.. 'Michael' means: "Who is as God" - 'Gabriel' means: "Strength of God", etc.
It is said that angels are not supposed to have "proper" names (with the exception of the three above). However, this is a partial list of angelic names, not including the "fallen angels". (247 names!)
Abasdarhon, Abraxos, Adnachiel, Adonael, Adonai, Aeshma, Af, Agla, Akriel, Amitiel, Amriel, Anael, Anapiel, Anahel, Anpiel, Ansiel, Arael, Araqiel, Araton, Ariel, Armisael, Asariel, Asroilu, Astanphaeus, Asteraoth, Atrugiel, Ayil, Azbogah, Azrael, Azriel, Balthioul, Baradiel, Barakiel, Barrattiel, Barbiel, Bariel, Barman, Barquiel, Baruchiel, Bath Kol, Bazazath, Bethor, Briathos, Cahethal, Camael, Cassiel, Cerviel, Chamuel, Chayyliel, Cochabiel, Dabriel, Dagiel, Dalquiel, Damabiath, Dardariel, Diniel, Domiel, Dubbiel, Duma, Dumah, Eae, Eiael, Elyon, Emmanuel, Erathaol, Eremiel, Gabriel, Gadriel, Galgaliel, Galizur, Gamaliel, Gazardiel, Geburatiel, Guriel, Gzrel, Hadraniel, Hadriel, Hagith, Halaliel, Hamaliel, Hamon, Haniel, Harahel, Hasdiel, Hasmal, Hayliel, Haziel, Heman, Hermesiel, Hofniel, Iaoel, Iaoth, Leo, Iofiel, Israfil, Jael, Jahoel, Jaoel, Jeduthun, Jefischa, Jehudiel, Jeremiel, Kabshiel, Kafziel, Kakabel, Kalaziel, Karael, Kemuel, Kerubiel, Kokabiel, Kutiel, Labbiel, Lahabiel, Lamechial, Lassuarium, Laylah, Machidiel, Marmaroth, Mendrion, Metatron, Michael, Mihr, Miniel, Mitatron, Morael, Moroni, Muriel, Naaririel, Nahaliel, Nanael, Narcariel, Nasargiel, Nathanael, Naya'il, Nelchael, Nuriel, Och, Omael, Onoel, Ophaniel, Ophiel, Oriel, Orifiel, Orphamiel, Osmadiel, Ouriel, Pamyel, Pathiel, Peliel, Peniel, Pesagniyah, Phaleg, Phanuel, Phounebiel, Pravuil, Pronoia, Purah, Puriel, Qaspiel, Quabriel, Rachiel, Rachmiel, Radueriel, Raguel, Rahab, Rahatiel, Rahmiel, Ramiel, Raphael, Rathanael, Raziel, Remiel, Rikbiel, Rizoel, Rogziel, Ruman, Sabaoth, Sabathiel, Sablo, Sabrael, Sabrathan, Sachiel, Sagnessagiel, Sahaqiel, Salathiel, Samkiel, Samuel, Sandalphon, Saniel, Sarakiel, Sarandiel, Satqiel, Seraphiel, Shamsiel, Shepherd, Shoftiel, Sidqiel, Sidriel, Simiel, Sizouze, Sophia, Soqedhozi, Sorath, Sorush, Soterasiel, Sraosha, Suriel, Tagas, Tartys, Tatrasiel, Temeluch, Temperance, Theliel, Tubiel, Tzadkiel, Ubaviel, Umabel, Uriel, Usiel, Uzziel, Varhmiel, Vequaniel, Verchiel, Vretiel, Xathanael, Yabbashael, Yefefiah, Yehudiah, Yerachmiel, Yeshamiel, Yofiel, Zaapiel, Zaazenach, Zabkiel, Zachariel, Zachriel, Zadkeil, Zagzagel, Zakzakiel, Zaphiel, Zaphkiel, Zarall, Zazriel, Zehanpuryu, Zerachiel, Zophiel, Zuriel. Whew! :-) Were we to include names of "gaurdian angels" (if they had them), all the books of the world would not hold them!
No, St.Peter was one of the 12 apostles chosen by Christ. A human being just like you, not an angel.. Angels are a different creation by God, spirit beings without bodies. God created angels for a different purpose than man. Scripture says they are messengers of God.
Of Course ,God can see angels because god created them
God gets His angels through creation; He creates His angels.
Our understanding of God's angels has varied over the centuries and according to context. At times, angels fill the important role of messengers of God and the archangel Gabriel is often portrayed as the chief messenger of God. Sometimes angels are even portrayed as God's allies against evil, which is often personified by the fallen angel, Satan. At other times, God is absolutely omniscient and omnipotent and therefore has no possible need of messengers or, indeed, of allies in a war against Satan.Angels first appear in Jewish scripture written during and after the Babylonian Exile, but a similar concept already existed in the Zoroastrian religion of the Persians.
God gets His angels by creating them Himself just like He created Satan (the disobedient angel) and other angels.
the angels they coming to god
If God Will Send His Angels was created on 1997-12-08.
God made angels to help him and us. Angels probably made him do decisions, told what was happening on earth, and If there was something bad happening. They are messenger's of God.
God created them.
God had angels to be with him