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Catholic Answer.

The answer is not obvious to modern people as they did not understand Mother Theresa, because they do not understand real Christianity. Mother Theresa, a Catholic nun who entered the Sisters of Loretto in Ireland to become a teaching nun, was sent to India to teach. Later, moved with compassion, and the love of God, she received a "call" from God to help the poorest of the poor. The rest of her life was spent in "darkness" which I discuss below.


Modern people, and most people who call themselves Christians, think that going to Church on Sunday, saying some things, and being nice to people is what it is all about. They are completely missing the mark. Those kind of things are just the tip of the iceberg. Mother Teresa helped others by loving God above all things, putting Him first in her life, and doing His Will no matter how painful it was for her, and it was very painful.


Mother spent most of her life in a dark night with no real feeling or personal knowledge of God. This is very common with the founders of religious orders, they are strong enough in their faith to make their way through life totally depend on Faith, Hope, and Charity: the three cardinal virtues bestowed on us in Baptism. She sacrificed herself completely for God, and was called a saint and a prophet for it.


Mother Theresa helped others the way we are all called to help others, by getting up in the morning, and taking some to give to God first. She spend an hour in Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, went to Holy Mass, received Our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist, and went to confession frequently, and regularly. And, then, when she had done these things, she went out and lived her faith by seeing her God in every individual in front of her, especially the poor, the sick, the aged, and the abandoned. She served God by serving Him in them - which is nothing more nor less than she lived the Gospel with every breath in her body.


Mother Teresa showed compassion for those who were less fortunate than she was. She gave them food, lifted their spirits, and helped them survive. She is and was considered a hero to many people. After her death, she was put on the short list for canonization, and in 2012 I believe she has already had one miracle attributed to her, and has been beatified. Of course, she loved children.


The Church often says that the only real way to help people, the way to become a good spouse, parent, teacher, or whatever, is to become a saint. Mother Teresa believed and lived this. She helped the poor by becoming a saint.


The various concrete way that she did that was that she did the Will of God even when she didn't feel as if God was there or approving of her. She cared for the poorest of the poor.She established hospices and hospitals for the sick and dying, she started in Calcutta as she started a new religious order, the Missionaries of Charity, which spread throughout the world. Today the Order still cares for the poorest of the poor, the sick and dying. Mother Theresa and her nuns went out into the streets and picked up the dying homeless to bring them to her hospice. They clean them, feed them, pray with them, and serve them so that they spend their last days or hours in dignity. She and her Order treat those dying of AIDS, the lepers, the untouchables, those whom nobody else will love and care for. She saw Our Blessed Lord in everyone of them, in disguise, pleading for our help and love.

AnswerWell she did a variety of things like run orphanages and places for old crippled people who were the "unwanted" of society so they could die peacefully and respectably. i think she may have helped or opened some special hospitals, but you should look that up for yourself. the one thing that helped her along through it all was relying on God for the finances and resources to keep moving forward

she gave her life to god that's one and she built orphanages and built like houses so people can stay peacfully

She helped people all around the world.

people should have peace

well she changed many lives and from this day on the world wouldn't be like this if Mother Teresa did do something back then.

she has helped nearly everyone and she is a very good person and she deserves alot of credit with what she has done to people

Mother Teresa helped the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying children and people. she opened up orphanages all around the world and did most of her work in Calcutta helping people in the slums.

Two websites you might try are listed below:

they were helping other people

She created multiple orphanages around the world.

She was important because she helped lots of people and looked after them and made them better if they were ill. She also founded an orphanage for people without homes and those without parents

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Billy Hagenes

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Afro-Asian Enduring Traditions and Values



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