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Q: Who are the Indigenous people of Belize?
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What indigenous people live in Belize?

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What is the country in Central America that does not speak spanish?

Belize is the country in Central America where Spanish is not the official language. The majority of people in Belize speak English, although Spanish and several indigenous languages are also spoken.

Who chooses Belize's government?

the people of Belize chooses the government

What language is alom used in?

Alom is a traditional language used by the Garifuna people, an Afro-Indigenous group living in Central America, particularly in Honduras, Belize, Guatemala, and Nicaragua.

What is the only non- spanish speaking country in Central America?

Belize is the only non-Spanish speaking country in Central America. The official language of Belize is English, although Spanish and several indigenous languages are also spoken.

What is the population in Belize today Belize?

344,700 people

What is the populationof Belize?

The population of Belize is 301,270 people as of July 2008.

Are there indigenous people in Guatemala?

Yes, there are indigenous tribes in Guatemala

Are there indigenous people in Lebanon?

there are many indigenous people in Lebanon

Where do most people live in Belize?

Most people in Belize live in : Belmopan,the capital, Belize City or on the outer parts because the inner parts are densely occupies with plants.

What Central American countries do not speak Spanish?

Belize is the only Central American country where Spanish is not the official language. The primary language spoken in Belize is English, along with Creole and other indigenous languages.

Is Belize independent?

Belize is a very independent country with hard working and beautiful people.