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The most renowned hero of all, in Greek mythology, is Hercules (Roman name), or Heracles (Greek name for Hercules). Here are a few others that stood out:

1.) Bellerophon, the slayer of the Chimaera.

2.) Perseus, vanquisher of the infamous Medusa.

3.) Odysseus, King of Ithaca and victor of the Trojan War.

4.) Prometheus, bringer of fire to mankind; against Zeus' approval.

5.) Theseus, the brawling victor against the Minotaur and King of Athens.

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  • Perseus- basically the only hero with a 'happy' ending. He was famous for decapitating the Gorgon Medusa.
  • Theseus- famous for killing the Minotaur.
  • Bellerophon- killed the Chimera (with the help of Pegasus)
  • Jason- was famous for the quest for the Golden Fleece
  • Heracles- was known for being very strong and completed 12 labors.
  • Achilles- a Greek hero in the Trojan war.
  • Ajax- a Greek hero, he fought in the Trojan war
  • Odysseus
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Q: Who are some hero's from greek mythology?
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Can you teach about greek mythology?

Yes, actually some colleges have courses on greek mythology.

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