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Some famous poets of El Salvador are people like Alfredo Espino, Hugo lindo, or Salvador Salazara Ruiz

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Q: Who are some famous poets from El Salvador?
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Who are some famous people of El Salvador and how much do they make?

the hero of el salvador is juan some thing dlegado

What are some famous landmarks in el salvador?

Because it is the capital of El Salvador.

How is La Libertad in El Salvador Famous?

la ibertad in el salvador is famous is because alot of people around the state who vists el salvador they would usally go to la libertad which is the liberty in el salvador

What are two of El Salvador's famous landmarks?

2 of the most famous landmarks are La Libertad, and El Mundo!

What are the typical meals in San Salvador?

The most famous meal in El Salvador is pupusas. It's a delicious meal with a El Salvadorian hint.

What is the most famous thing in el salvador?

there food and clothes

What are famous dances in el salvador?

salsa, merengue, bachata

What is the largest bank in El Salvador?

The largest bank in El Salvador is the Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador (or Banco Central de El Salvador in Spanish). It controls the currency and also some economic activities in the country.

What famous invention was made in El Salvador?

El Salvador is most known for its coffee and Indigo trading. People all over the world have enjoyed these products.

What are some buildings in el salvador?

Some buildings in El Salvador are the Citi- Tower, Casas San Salvador, Avante, E San Benito, Teatro Nacional and many more.

What two countries border Honduras?

Honduras has land borders with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.

What is the capital of salvador?

Salvador, Bahia, is the capital of the State of Bahia.San Salvador is the capital of El Salvador.