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if you mean from Cyprus there are many singer like Anna Vissi, Michalis Hatzigiannis, Kyriacou Pelagia who are singers. A little girl who is also famous in Cyprus is Mariam Venizelou because she has an excellent voice and had played in a TV serial. There are also many many actors who are famous here as well as football players. Now if you mean who people can Cypriots recognize in the street i'd tell you people from Hollywood, Greece, Europe etc

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Q: Who are some famous people in Cyprus?
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Famous people from Cyprus?

Of course and there are. There are people like Anna Vissi, Michalis Hatzigiannis, Kyriacou Pelagia, James Alexandrou, Peter Andre, Tina Charles, Nicky Clarke, Antony Costa, and many other who are famous in Cyprus. Also, there are people who are well known to Cypriots and Greeks but not to others and this is completely unfair because we have great actors, singers, football players, etc, So yes Cyprus has many famous people like all the other countries in this world.Cypriot people with international fame areMihalis Kakogiannis,director (Zorbas)George Michael singerStelios HajiIoannou, owner of EasyJet airlines and hotelsMarcos Bagdatis tennis playerTheo Paphitis (Businessman in UK)Christophoros Pissarides (Nobel Prize winner in Economics)

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there are none

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3.9534721 is the level of people in cyprus

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they will sing to people that like them like me I like them that much but not that much like but I like there song's what they sing to people like famous people

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some people can' most people do if they are famous

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What are some ideas for cheap entertainment while on holiday in Cyprus?

Cyprus is famous for grapes, which means a good winery. You should be able to find information of all local winery's when you arrive in Cyprus. There are also the ancient building which can be visited. If you are visiting Cyprus and staying within a hotel complex, there will be many brochures within the hotel to enable you to find what there is to do right near to where you are staying.