

Best Answer


Aegipan[13]Ananke or Themis


  1. Atropos
  2. Clotho
  3. Lachesis
  1. Persephone
  2. Zagreus
Dione or ThalassaAphroditeEos
  1. Ersa
  2. Carae



  1. Aglaea
  2. Euphrosyne
  3. Thalia
  1. Orion
  2. Manes
  1. Ares3
  2. Eileithyia
  3. Eris
  4. Hebe3
  5. Hephaestus3
  6. Angelos
  1. Apollo
  2. Artemis



  1. Muses (Original three)
    1. Aoide
    2. Melete
    3. Mneme
  2. Muses (Later nine)
    1. Calliope
    2. Clio
    3. Erato
    4. Euterpe
    5. Melpomene
    6. Polyhymnia
    7. Terpsichore
    8. Thalia
    9. Urania
NemesisHelen of Troy (possibly)Persephone
  1. Zagreus
  2. Melinoe
  1. Ersa
  2. Nemean Lion
  3. Pandia
  1. Astraea
  2. Nymphs of Eridanos
  3. Nemesis
  4. Horae
    1. First Generation
      1. Auxo
      2. Carpo
      3. Thallo
    2. Second Generation
      1. Dike
      2. Eirene
      3. Eunomia
    3. Third generation
      1. Pherusa
      2. Euporie
      3. Orthosie
Unknown motherAletheiaUnknown motherAteUnknown motherCaerusUnknown motherLitaeUnknown motherTyche Semi-divine/mortal offspringMotherChildrenAegina
  1. Aeacus
  2. Damocrateia[14]
  1. Amphion
  2. Zethus
AnaxitheaOlenusAsterope, OceanidAcragasCallistoArcasCalyceAethlius (possibly)Callirhoe (daughter of Achelous)no known offspringCarmeBritomartisCassiopeiaAtymniusChaldene
  1. Solymus
  2. Milye
  1. Tityos
  1. Dardanus
  2. Iasion
  3. Harmonia
  1. Minos
  2. Rhadamanthus
  3. Sarpedon
  4. Alagonia
  5. Carnus
  6. Dodon[15]
  1. Kronios
  2. Spartaios
  3. Kytos
Idaea, nymphCresIodameThebeIo
  1. Epaphus
  2. Keroessa
  1. Akheilos
  2. Herophile
  1. Pollux
  2. Castor
  3. Helen of Troy5
  1. Argus
  2. Pelasgus
  1. Graecus
  2. Latinus
Phthia (daughter of Phoroneus)Achaeus (possibly)PloutoTantalusPodarge
  1. Balius
  2. Xanthus
  1. Aethlius (possibly)
  2. Opus
  1. Magnes
  2. Makednos
TorrhebiaCariusNymph AfricanIarbasNymph SamothracianSaon (possibly)Nymph SithnidMegarusUnknown mother
  1. Calabrus
  2. Geraestus
  3. Taenarus
Unknown motherCorinthusUnknown motherCrinacus
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12y ago
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12y ago

Zeus had a large number of children including the following:

Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hebe, Hermes, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Perseus, Minos, the Muses, the Graces.

These children had varying mothers (both immortal and mortal) because Zeus had several affairs.

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12y ago

Zeus had a large number of children including the following:

Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hebe, Hermes, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Perseus, Minos, the Muses, the Graces.

These children had varying mothers (both immortal and mortal) because Zeus had several affairs.

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14y ago

Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite,[2] Dionysus, Hebe, Hermes, Heracles, Helen, Hephaestus, Perseus, Minos, the Muses

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13y ago

There are many children of Zeus. The Olympian ones are Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, and Dionysus. The main demigod ones are Hercules, Perseus, and Helen (of Sparta).

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12y ago

Zeus's sons were Ares, Apollo, Hermes, and Hephaestus

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14y ago

Hermes Athena Ares Hephaestus Aphrodite Dionysus Apollo and Artemis

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14y ago

it was the lighting thief because he was mad at his parents

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14y ago

According to the myths, he had children with Hera, his wife and other mortal women.

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How did Zeus have his godly children?

like any ordinary human being

What was zeus' godly job and who was his wife?

Zeus was the king of all the gods. His wife was Hera.

What greek god had the most kids?

Zeus did because he had many Godly children and many Demi-God children

Who are Hermes brothers?

I know that he has many godly and mortal half brothers sense his father is Zeus. I do not know if Zeus and Maia had any other children other then Hermes. Hopefully this helped a little.

Did Zeus truly eat his kids?

No, Zeus did not eat his children. Zeus' father, Cronus ate all of his children except for Zeus.

What gods does Hades fear?

Zeus and Posidon, his two godly brothers.

Why is Zeus worth studying?

so u can know the past of the greek and why they always listened to zeus and his godly rules

How did Ares became a god?

Ares was born to his godly parents; Zeus and Hera.

Why was Hephaestus made?

Zeus and Hera wanted a godly baby, so they had one

Who are the relatives to Ares the greek god?

Oenemaus, father-in-law of Pelops, was a son of Ares. Ares's father was Zeus, his mother was Hera. His godly children include Eris and Polyeoceus.

Did the father of Zeus ate him?

Yes he did and all of Zeus's siblings then Zeus broke out of his head. Then when Zeus had children he ate them and they escaped.

Did Athena brothers and sisters have kids?

Yes, as the siblings of Athena would be the children of Zeus - almost all of the children of Zeus had children of their own.