meriwether Lewis & William clark are famos explores . thomas Jefferson made Lewis & clark to explore the unknow territority. that is who meriwether Lewis & William clark.
Col. Meriwether Lewis Clark, Jr is the grandson of William Clark. His father was William Clark's son Meriwether Lewis Clark, Sr. William Clark had named his son after his friend Meriwether Lewis.
You might have the names wrong. They are: William Clark and Meriwether Lewis. Both were not brothers nor were they related.However, if you are referring to William Clark's son, his name was indeed Meriwether Lewis Clark. Clark had named his son after his friend Meriwether Lewis; but those two are father and son, and not brothers.up the Missouri River and into the Pacific Northwest.
The full name of the explorer is Meriwether Lewis and his companion is William Clark.
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, and Zebulon Pike
The Lewis and Clark Expedition : Captain Meriwether Lewis and Second Lieutenant William Clark .
His full name was "Meriwether Lewis." Both he and William Clark did not have a middle name. He is not to be confused with Meriwether Lewis Clark, William Clark's son or Meriwether Lewis Randolph, Thomas Jefferson's grandson.
Jefferson appointed Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana Purchase.
Lewis and Clark's full names are Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Their famous journey lasted from 1804 until the fall of 1806.
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.
William Clark
William Clark named his first born son Meriwether Lewis Clark, after his close friend and expedition partner Meriwether Lewis.
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were their names.