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King Solomon built it with his bear hands...err...bare hands...actually he paid some other guy to do it.

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Q: Who Bulid The great temple in Jerusalem?
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Where was the great temple jesus?

Your question is ambigious. Jesus said our body is His temple.

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The Romans destroyed the Second Temple. It was on Temple Mount in Jerusalem .

What did king Solomon do in Jerusalem?

King Solomon the son of King david built the great temple in Jerusalem.

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Was Herod's temple in Jerusalem?

yes herod's temple is in Jerusalem

What was Solomon's famous for building?

The building of the great temple of Jerusalem.

Who defeated the Chaldeans and allowed the Hebrews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their Temple?

Cyrus the Great.

What was the name of the temple where Jesus was found at the age of twelve?

Jesus was found in the temple in Jerusalem, known as the Temple of Jerusalem or the Temple of Solomon.

Did King Solomon make Jerusalem?

No. Solomon was born in Jerusalem, and his father David conquered the city. It existed long before they did. However, Solomon built the Great Temple in Jerusalem.

Who had the great temple in Jerusalem built?

King David started the work, but king Solomon finished it.

Who ordered the construction of a beautiful temple in Jerusalem?

Solomon ordered the construction of a temple in Jerusalem.

What has the author Randall Price written?

Randall Price has written: 'Unholy War' -- subject(s): Jerusalem in Christianity, Jerusalem in Judaism, Arab-Israeli conflict, International status, Jerusalem in Islam 'La Piedras Claman' 'The coming last days' Temple' -- subject(s): Bible, Prophecies, Temple of Jerusalem, Temple of Jerusalem (Jerusalem) in the Bible, Temple of Jerusalem (Jerusalem), In the Bible 'Searching for the Ark of the Covenant' -- subject(s): Ark of the Covenant 'Searching for the Original Bible' -- subject(s): Evidences, authority, Bible, Inspiration 'The Battle for the Last Days' Temple' -- subject(s): Bible, Judaism, Religious aspects, Prophecies, Temple of Jerusalem, Temple of Jerusalem (Jerusalem), History