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Q: Which way does the wind blow in Ohio in December?
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What way do the prevailing winds blow in Ohio?

The prevailing winds in Ohio generally blow from the west and southwest due to the prevailing westerly winds in the region. However, wind patterns can vary throughout the year and with weather systems moving through the area.

In what direction do the northeastern trade winds blow?

Oh my..... They blow from north east to south west. A wind direction is the way it is coming from.

Which way does the wind blow in a depression?

Anti-clockwise, the opposite of an anticyclone. It's confusing.

What way do seeds fly?

The seeds blow whatever direction the wind blows first.

Which way does the wind blow most in north America?

I do not know where north americia is, but in North America the general wind pattern is from west to east.

If you are walking through a pine forest and the wind is blowing in a northeasterly direction which way would the leaves blow?

The leaves would likely blow towards the southwest.

Do windmills blow?

Windmills do not blow; instead, they use the force of the wind to generate electricity or pump water. The wind spins the blades of the windmill, which in turn spins a generator that produces electricity.

Does wind blow true north or magnetic?

neither it follows air currents all which and every way every direction

If a train is going north at 100 kph and wind is blowing west at 10 kph which way does the smoke blow?


Which way will a flag blow just after sunset?

Just after sunset, the wind typically dies down as the temperature cools. If there is any wind, the flag will likely hang limply or flutter gently in the fading light.

Which way does the wind blow most frequently?

The prevailing wind direction is determined by global wind patterns and varies depending on the region and time of year. For example, in the mid-latitudes, the prevailing winds typically blow from west to east due to the rotation of the Earth. Other factors, such as local topography, can also influence the direction of wind flow in a specific area.

Which way does wind blow the most?

Winds generally blow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. However, local factors such as topography, temperature gradients, and proximity to large bodies of water can influence wind direction as well.