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There would be one house in Congress and every state would have the same number of representatives

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Related questions

What was the purpose of the New Jersey plan?

The purpose of the New Jersey Plan is to thoroughly change the Articles of Confederation.

What characteristic of the government proposed by the New Jersey plan?

t preserved an exective committee rather than adopting a singular president

What was characteristic of government proposed by the New Jersey plan?

t preserved an exective committee rather than adopting a singular president

Was a characteristic of the government proposed by the New Jersey plan?

t preserved an exective committee rather than adopting a singular president

What was a characteristic of the government proposed by the New Jersey plan?

t preserved an exective committee rather than adopting a singular president

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no, new jersey wanted all states to have the same power

What plan called for a stronger national government?

(Virginia Plan)

What characteristic of government proposed by the Virginia plan?

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What kind of government did the New Jersey Plan propose?

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