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Tennessee and Missouri both border 8 states.

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16y ago

Missouri and Tennesse each border 8 states.

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6y ago

Tennessee and Missouri shares a border with 8.

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12y ago

Tennessee and Missouri each border eight other states.

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11y ago

Missouri and Tennessee both border the most states of any: eight.

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Q: Which two states tie for sharing borders with the greatest number of other states?
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Which 2 US states tie for sharing borders with the smallest number?

Alaska and Hawaii don't border any other states.

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What two states tie for sharing borders with the smallest number of other states?

nice question & it would be Alaska & Hawaii both of whom share borders with no other states & would thus tie for sharing borders with zero other states but tho zero is a number nevertheless zero states or no states is not a number of states & therefore zero states cant be the smallest number of states & i like to think it might have been Maine too who alone shares a border with only 1 other state but even if 1 state were a number of states which it isn't because it is less than a number of them still Maine is herself but 1 state so there is no other state available for her to tie for sharing with the smallest number then too it might have been Washington Florida & South Carolina who do tie for sharing borders with 2 other states which is the smallest possible number of other states since 2 is the smallest possible number of states yet nevertheless there are 3 of them who tie for sharing borders with 2 others so they all cant very well be 2 states if they are really 3 states & in particular they cant be the 2 & only 2 states you are asking for so moving on to the class of states who share borders with the next larger number or 3 others while observing all generally recognized principles of tiebreaking i can see California North Dakota & Louisiana right off without even bothering to squint at the little ones east of the Mississippi river so forget them all for being too many too whoever they all are & likewise for the classes of states who share borders with 4 & with 5 & with 6 others since they are the most numerous classes of all you can disqualify all of them without even thinking about it & therefore the class of 2 who share with 7 would win on tiebreak & that's Colorado & Kentucky hooray & hooray except incredibly after all that Colorado has just been challenged & indeed has now been disqualified from the class who share with 7 since her common border point with Arizona is not really a border at all but is merely a point & a border is by every definition a linear feature so Colorado is demoted to the class who share borders with only 6 leaving Kentucky with no classmate to tie for sharing with 7 & thus Kentucky too must now be just as disqualified as Maine was for having no partner to tie for sharing borders with & so we move on again still in tiebreak mode to the class who tie for sharing borders with 8 other states & they are Tennessee & Missouri hooray & hooray again but for real & for keeps this time since there are no more challenges possible nor even any more candidates possible seeing as Tennessee & Missouri also tie for sharing borders with the greatest number of other states as well which is still 8 in that case too btw

Which Indian states has maximum number of borders?


Which of the states has the maximum number of common borders with other Indian states?

Madhya Pradesh

In the continental unites states which state has the least number of states on its borders?

Maine has the least number of states on its borders in the continental United States, with only one state bordering it (New Hampshire).

Which country has the greatest number of elections?

The United States has the greatest number and variety of elections.

What US State borders the largest number of states?

There are actually two states that border the largest number of states.Tennessee borders with 8 states: Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi.Missouri also borders with 8 states: Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma.There are no other states that border with more than 8 states.

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Maine. Maine has only one USA state border. All other states have more than one state borders.

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Missouri and Tennessee each share borders with eight states.

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Madhya Pradesh

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Pakistan shares borders with China on it's Northeast, India on it's East, Iran on it's West and Afghanistan on it's Northwest.