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Q: Which two states lie outside th continental US?
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What two states lie outside the us?

Alaska and Hawai'i

What are the two states that lie outside the US?

Answer: Alaska, and Hawaii

Which two states lie outside the continenal us?

Alaska and Hawaii

Which two states are located outside the continental area of the US?

Hawaii and Alaska. :)

Which two states are not in the continental U.S?

Hawaii and Alaska

How many states of US are not attached to its mainland?

There are two states that are not attached to the continental United States. Alaska (Postal Abbreviation: AK) is separated from the continental United States by Canada. Hawaii (HI) is separated from the continental United States by the Pacific Ocean.

Give me the two states that are outside the contiguous US?

The two states that are outside the contiguous US are Alaska and Hawaii.

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Europe and Antarctica lie completely outside the tropics.

Which two states are not in the continental U.S.?

Alaska and Hawaii are non-contiguous states, meaning they do not border any other state. Alaska is a continental state, however, as it is located on the North American continent. It occupies the Northwestern corner of North America and borders Canada to the east. Hawaii is not a continental state, as it is an island state. It is located in Oceania, practically midway between North America and Asia.

What three national parks lie across the Continental Divide?

Glacier National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, and Yellowstone National Park lie across the Continental Divide.

Which two states arent part of the continental?

Hawaii and Alaska

How do you draw a hexagon with three outside diagonals?

A hexagon with two reflex angles opposite one another will have two diagonals that lie entirely outside the hexagon and one that is partly outside.