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Africa ,Asia ,EuropeBelgium and HollandRivers

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Annabel Jacobs

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Q: Which two regions in Europe are rugged and higher in altitude?
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What does the mountain region look like?

Mountain regions are characterized by their towering peaks, rugged terrain, and diverse ecosystems. They often have snow-capped summits, rocky cliffs, and deep valleys. The vegetation in mountain regions varies depending on the altitude, with forests, alpine meadows, and glaciers commonly found in higher elevations.

What are the mountain regions of the world?

Some examples of mountain regions in the world include the Himalayas in Asia, the Andes in South America, the Alps in Europe, and the Rockies in North America. These regions are known for their high elevation, rugged terrain, and diverse ecosystems.

Which of virginia's regions is the most rugged?

appalachian plateau, west

Is Athens a rugged place?

well Athens is located in Greece and Greece is mainly deep valleys, rugged highlands, and mountanious regions

Were do pikas live?

Pikas live in several places, especially rugged, mountainous regions. They can be found on the continents Asia, Europe, and North America in these types of areas.

What 3 countries are part of the northwestern highlands in Europe?

The three countries that are part of the northwestern highlands in Europe are Scotland, Ireland, and Iceland. These regions are characterized by rugged landscapes, mountains, and coastal areas with a cooler and wetter climate.

Mountains and rugged terrain led greece to be what?

The rugged mountains and numerous bays divided Greece into small, isolated regions and city-states.

What are five adjectives that describe the Tibet qinghai plateau?

Vast, rugged, high-altitude, pristine, and diverse.

What region has rugged mountains and stretchs from Canada to Mexico?

the Rocky Mountains in the western regions

Does a highland region be placed at high elevations?

Yes, a highland region is typically placed at high elevations, often referred to as mountains or plateaus. These areas are characterized by cooler temperatures due to their altitude and often feature rugged terrain, making them distinct from lowland regions.

What are the light colored mountainous regions on the moon called?

The light-colored mountainous regions on the moon are called the lunar highlands. These areas are characterized by their rugged terrain, bright appearance, and higher elevation compared to the darker, smooth plains known as the lunar maria.

What are the physical features of the mountain region?

Mountain regions typically have rugged terrain, high elevation, steep slopes, and varied climates due to changes in altitude. They can also have glaciers, snow-capped peaks, and unique flora and fauna adapted to the harsh conditions. Rivers and streams often originate in mountain regions, making them crucial sources of freshwater.