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In 189o, after Bismarck had been dismissed as chancellor of Germany, refused to renew her treaty of friendship with Russia. This gave France an opportunity.

France extended military and industrial loans to Russia and gained Russia's confidence. In 1894 the two nations entered into the Dual Alliance.

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Q: Which two countries were members of the dual alliance?
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What two countries were in the Dual Alliance?

Germany and Austria-Hungary

When was the dual alliance invented in world war 1?

Dual Alliances were not invented in World War I. Any time two countries were allied in a military alliance, it was a dual alliance. It was just the name of an alliance in the WWI period.

Who were the members of the alliance system?

There are two alliance systems 1.The triple alliance which consisted of three countries Germany,Austria-Hungary and Italy 2.The triple entente which also consisted of three countries Britian,France and Russia

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Who were the members of each alliance system?

There are two alliance systems 1.The triple alliance which consisted of three countries Germany,Austria-hungary and Italy 2.The triple entente which also consisted of three countries Britian,France and Russia

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Dual citizenship is when one has citizenship rights in two countries.

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An alliance or agreement between two countries :)

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The cooperation of the two countries during the World War II strengthened the alliance between Britain and the US. The trading interests of the two countries also helped strengthen their alliance.

What strengthened the alliance between U.S and Britain?

The cooperation of the two countries during the World War II strengthened the alliance between Britain and the US. The trading interests of the two countries also helped strengthen their alliance.

What is the requirements of dual passport?

Being a citizen of two countries.

What two countries made up the triple alliance?

Triple means three so it wasn't two countries.